Friday, June 27, 2008

Open Access Policy will give researchers worldwide immediate access to OICR data

The Ontario Institutes of Cancer Research (OICR) announced their Open Access Policy, to take effect July 1, at ELPUB last week in Toronto, and in the lastest OICR newsletter, at:


This is a very progressive policy, likely to be viewed as a model in many respects.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Federated search at the Intel Library

I found this article on SLA's website. It describes the implementation of a federated search solution at Intel Library. It discusses the mission and vision of Intel Library, along with the federated search initiative and its goals, requirements, vendor selection, technology selection, lessons learned, and benefits. Many ideas and thoughts in this article are so true and really worth digesting.

Please follow the link below to the full-text article.